Malayalee House is a reality show based on the original Dutch Big Brother format developed by John de Mol. A number of contestants (known as "residents") live in a purpose-built house and are isolated from the rest of the world. Each week, residents nominate one among them for eviction, and the residents who receives the most nominations will have to leave the house. The residents in Malayalee House are famous personalities in their respective fields. All the rooms in Malayalee house are locked in the beginning of the show. A room will be opened when a contestant gets evicted. The room to opened after an eviction will be decided by the contestants through voting.
The house
The Malayalee House is built exclusively for the show at a Film Studio in Hyderabad owned by Actor Nagarjuna.. The house is traditional, well-furnished and equipped but all the rooms remain closed in the beginning of the show. The open area at the center of the house (nadumuttam) is the center place for all Malayalee house activities. There is a kitchen, prayer room, and several bedrooms in the house.
The House has no TV connection, no phones, no Internet connection, clocks, pen or paper. residents are overseen by 30 close circuit cameras 24x7. The house is installed with LCD displays/speakers through which instructions are given to the contestants. The cameras are even hidden behind mirrors. The contestants has already named all the cameras and the main camera is called "Kanthaari".
In the House
Neena Kurup
Rosin Jolly
G. S. Pradeep
Sindhu Joy
Asha Gopinathan (Sasha)
Rahul Easwar
Thinkal Bhal
Sherrin Varghese(contestant after 6th week)
Out of the House:
Housemates were evicted unless noted.
Bindu Varappuzha (Week-1)
Akshitha (Week-2)
Harisankar Kalavoor (Week-2: Health reasons)Guest Appearance
Narayanan Kutty (Week-5)
Chitra Iyer (Week-6)
Dalu Krishnadas(Week-7)
No Eviction(Week-8)
Sandeep Menon(Week-9)
Sojen Joseph(Week-10)
Sneha Nambiar(week-11)Disqualified
Santhosh Pandit (week-11)
In the House
Neena Kurup
Rosin Jolly
G. S. Pradeep
Sindhu Joy
Asha Gopinathan (Sasha)
Rahul Easwar
Thinkal Bhal
Sherrin Varghese(contestant after 6th week)
Out of the House:
Housemates were evicted unless noted.
Bindu Varappuzha (Week-1)
Akshitha (Week-2)
Harisankar Kalavoor (Week-2: Health reasons)Guest Appearance
Narayanan Kutty (Week-5)
Chitra Iyer (Week-6)
Dalu Krishnadas(Week-7)
No Eviction(Week-8)
Sandeep Menon(Week-9)
Sojen Joseph(Week-10)
Sneha Nambiar(week-11)Disqualified
Santhosh Pandit (week-11)
Neena and Sneha are the 2 fake personalities in MH.They are behind all manipulations and fights.They never accept plus points of others.Even being very close to Rosin both Neena & Sneha cheated Rosin by giving a wrong message to audience.They murmured that Rosin likes to have a relation with Rahul more than a friend.It is a character assassination.Neena & Sneha are burden for MH.
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biet thu vuon